Mountain Culture Air Ann 500ml

Mountain Culture Air Ann 500ml

Regular price $17.50

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Brewery: Mountain Culture Beer Co.
Origin: Australia
Style: IPA - New England / Hazy
ABV: 7.0%

Collaboration with Fast Fashion

We’re back brewing with our mates Fast Fashion from Seattle, 2 years on from our first collaboration Business class and again using their truly one of a kind hop.

Matt from Fast Fashion fell in love with experimental variety 24B-05 the moment he sniffed it, due to its truly unique profile. Soon after buying the proprietary rights and giving it the equally unique name: Anchovy.

Last time we brewed a West Coast IPA with his hops, they took a much cushier journey than this year’s batch, that found their way over from Seattle, smuggled in some carry-on luggage thanks to a daring and sly friend of the brewery who shall go unnamed...

Air Ann aims to show off what Anchovy can do in the hazy variety of IPA’s. We paired it up with Simcoe and Mosaic to coax out its inherent qualities and we’re left with a smooth hazy that doesn’t hide its watermelon bubblegum, lemon hard candy, pine and raspberry notes.

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