Mountain Culture Party Lap 500ml

Mountain Culture Party Lap 500ml

Regular price $17.50

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Brewery: Mountain Culture
Origin: Australia
Style: IPA - New England / Hazy
ABV: 7.2%

Welcome to the 2024 Advent!

We wanted to kick off your Christmas countdown with a bang- enter this international collaboration with our mates at Outer Range.

Our first beer with the Coloradans (yes, that's the correct term) was back in 2022, Verandah Views, and since then, they've opened a new brewery at the base of Mt Blanc in France. So this collaboration has been brewed together by Brewers from USA, Australia and France.

Outer Range love to use noble hops alongside new world hops, so for Party Lap we've paired Tettnang up with Citra and Cascade to create a complex blend of grapefruit and lemon with dried flowers and spice on a soft, pillowy body.

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