One Drop ON THE INSIDE* 440ml

One Drop ON THE INSIDE* 440ml

Regular price $18.00

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Brewery: One Drop Brewing Co
Origin: Australia
Style: Sour - Smoothie / Pastry
ABV: 6.1%

Collaboration with Ophiussa

This is On The Inside, and by heavens, we are all here for this brand-new, topped-up-to-the-brim cream smoothie sour made in collaboration with our bestest pen-pals at Ophiussa Brewing Co from sunny Portugal ?? Combining post-fermentation additions of mango, banana, and vanilla ice cream all topped off with a big ol’ drizzle of Golden Syrup This obtusely packed fun tube is just the kind of insider madness one needs when face to face with summer’s drop-off. Um brinde a todos os novos amigos!

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