Sobremesa Real Ale | Golden 750ml

Sobremesa Real Ale | Golden 750ml

Regular price $12.00

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only 4 left in stock

Brewery: Sobremesa Fermentary & Blendery
Origin: Australia
Style: Traditional Ale
ABV: 4.6%

real ale | golden
english style golden ale
100% aussie ingredients | 4.6%

Production time | 8 weeks

Batch | 1

We have always had a deep appreciation and respect for the styles that hail from England. Complex in technicality & nature but designed to be drunken by the masses.

We are proud to announce a new range that takes inspiration from these pub beers of old, with our Sobremesa spin & 100% independent Australian ingredients.

Brewed with 100% Veloria malt from Voyager (NSW).
Hopped in the boil & whirlpool w/ RH01, Red Earth & Chinook from Ryefield Hops (NSW) to 32 IBU.

This beer was fermented in stainless without temperature control w/ an english strain called Yonder from Mogwai Labs (NSW)


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